YARS 4 December 2012 Meeting Explorit Science Center Attending: Officers: President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ, Vice-President Rick Littlefield N6KLB, Secretary Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG, and Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK. Members: Kevin Grayson W6JKG, Bob Hewitt K6HEW, Shayne Hughes N6SPE, and Bill Ragsdale K6KW. Meeting opened at 1930 hrs. by President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ, with self-introduction all around. Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK reported a balance of $5672.42. Old Business: President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ reported on the status of the UCDARC repeater. Work date needs to be scheduled to install the new Sinclair 2M antenna. President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ gave a report on the 15 November 2012 hospital drill involving the W6AK and BARK repeaters, Yolo ARES, and Yolo OES. President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ reported that a new battery pack had been purchased for the club's IC-32A HT. New Business: Shayne Hughes N6SPE moved, and Bob Hewitt K6HEW seconded to donate the amount of $150 to Explorit. The November 2012 meeting minutes were approved on a motion by Shayne Hughes N6SPE, seconded by Kevin Grayson W6JKG. Program: Bill Ragsdale K6KN gave a program on what to consider when installing an amateur radio station and asked for items to be added to his list. He also gave a program on QSL cards and various methods of confirming contacts. Meeting adjourned approximately 2030 hrs.