YARS 3 December 2013 Meeting Explorit Science Center Attending: Officers: Gary Matteson WA6TQJ, Vice-President Rick Littlefield, Secretary Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG, and Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK. Members: Shayne Hughes N6SPE, Jane Matteson, and Bill Ragsdale K6KN. Guest Present: Meeting opened at 1930 hrs. by Vice-President Rick Littlefield N6KLB with self-introductions all around. Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK reported a balance of $5,469.35. Old Business: MVRC merger talks and 30 second timer issues discussed. Vice-President Rick Littlefield N6KLB reported on the status of UCDARC. Process is in motion to buy the equipment provided by Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG by private sale on eBay. He also reported that UCDARC is reorganizing and that John Berg K6JRB and Alyson Kent KI6IMU are co-chairs of the entity. Vice-President Rick Littlefield N6KLB reported that distribution of a donation from the Princess Promenade had been made to the following: $100 to W6AK repeater group, $100 to the K6IS repeater group, and $100 to W7KOZ towards his communications trailer. Dues due announcement made by Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK. New Business: Donation amount to Explorit for the year was discussed. A suggestion by Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK to increase the amount from $150 to $200 was passed by acclamation. Secretary Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG will be reimbursed once he determines that Explorit will continue to function in 2014. President Gary Matteson WA6NIK reported via December Agenda that the combined Field Day effort by YARS, Yolo ARES, and UCDARC yielded 2,122 points, 2nd highest in the SV section in the 3A class. Elections tabled. Meet adjourned 1950 hours. Program was given Jane Matteson on “A Visit to Sri Lanka and Dubai.”